Nathan Halo Fire & Nebula Fire Headlamps Have Everything Runners Need to Stay Safe
Nathan has released some exciting new runner-specific headlamps. It's getting darker earlier and, if you are running in the dark, it's much safer to run with a headlamp.

What makes these headlamps so special for runners?

Run-Right Light: Provides runners with the ideal amount of light for no to low-light situations. The LED lights (Halo has 3 LEDs and Nebula has 1 LED) provide the perfect combination of spotlight and floodlights. The spotlight shines ahead while the floodlights illuminate around you. You can also change the angle of the light and the "level" of the light.

RunWave: Allows you to simply swipe your hand in front of the light to change the settings.

Auto-Strobe: This has a sensor that reacts to oncoming car headlights and activates a safety strobe, allowing cars to see you better.

Watch this video for more details and features of the new Nathan Halo Fire and Nathan Nebula Fire Headlamps:

[youtube id="Pr9MAfGIdwI" width="620" height="360"]

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