Forget Flowers, Red & Pink Running Gear Offer Way More Benefits
Here in Baltimore we're buried in snow. It's hard to spend these freezing cold days indoors, putting off running outside until the snow melts or the plows come around. On days like today, there is nothing better than dreaming of being outside in the sunshine... with a bunch of bright red and pink running accessories. Seriously. Pink and red both stimulate energy, encourage action and promote confidence. The perfect things to add to your next run.

Pink has also been known to help soothe people and reduce erratic behavior (thus, it's popularity in waiting rooms and other places people get agitated). But, more than anything, pink is associated with romance and love. So, if you're looking for a late but unique Valentine's Day gift, try a pink Hydro Flask or a pink heart rate monitor -- two creative ways to tell your loved one that you are drunk on their beauty or that they make your heart race.

Red is an energetic color. It's often used to stimulate people physically and mentally and to increase circulation. Bright, warm and exciting, red evokes strong emotions. It's associated with both love and anger (which kind of makes sense). Try on a pair of red running shoes for that extra mental boost to help you go the distance.

Flowers wilt. The pride in finishing a race or breaking your PR will last much longer.

Happy Valentine's Day!