Garmin Forerunner 10 Review - Perfect for Tracking Runs
I am a 32-year-old fitness runner and I have never owned a GPS sport watch before, so I did a lot of research before deciding to purchase the Garmin Forerunner 10. After owning it for a couple months I can say I am extremely happy with my decision. The Forerunner 10 is lightweight, comfortable, accurate, easy to use and best of all it allows you to use Garmin Connect.

I started running a couple years ago on a treadmill at the gym and I enjoyed it, but after a while it was getting quite boring. I wanted to get outside to have a better running experience, but I didn’t want to lose all the valuable performance data I got from the treadmill. I also didn’t want to break the bank buying a GPS watch. I found the Forerunner 10 in my search and it fit my needs perfectly: modestly priced, accurately provides the performance dataI want (speed, distance, pace and calories) and is so comfortable I almost forget I’m wearing it. On top of this, I get access to the world of I am now an outside runner and I am not looking back.

Step outside and with the press of a single button, the Forerunner 10 begins looking for a satellite. The time it takes can vary, but for me it is typically 60 seconds or less to find and connect to a satellite. After connecting, it prompts you to Start or Cancel. Press the same button once more to start collecting data and begin your run. During my run the watch collects and displays pace, distance, time and calories burned information. I like to see my real time pace, but you can also set your watch to display your lap pace or your average pace. The screens are customizable, so you can display the data most important to you on the main screen. I always have my total distance and pace on my main screen so I can glance at my watch to get this data.My calories burned and time are easily accessible with one press of a button. Press the button again to see the current date and time and then once more to return to your main data screen. At the end of my run,I stop collecting data at the press of a button. From this point, I can display the data I just collected, view any records I just set, save my workout or resume my workout. If I do nothing after stopping, the watch auto saves my workout for me to view and upload later. It is really this easy.

A couple other cool features on the Forerunner 10 include AutoLap, AutoPause and Virtual Pacer. AutoLap will automatically start a new lap at a specified distance of 1 km or 1 mile, so you focus on your run, not your laps. Having this lap data also helps with post-run analysis. AutoPause is a great feature when you are trying to get your actual time in motion, not the total time you spent waiting at busy intersections or the time spent stopping for water or the restroom. Simply turn on the AutoPause feature before your run and then when you stop moving, the watch automatically pauses your workout. Start moving again and the watch starts recording your workout data again – no buttons to press. The Virtual Pacer is a great tool for new runners. When I first started running outside, I had a hard time keeping a steady pace. The Virtual Pacer keeps me right where I want to be. I set my desired pace before my run and the watch will provide alerts when I am running too fast or too slow. No need to constantly check my watch to track my pace, I just focus on my run.

After I complete a run wearing my Forerunner 10, I connect my watch to my laptop (with the included cable), go to and I upload my workout data with a couple clicks of the mouse. Setting up an account on Garmin Connect is free and only takes a minute. After you have your account setup, you can connect with other users to compare and share your performance data if you choose to.

The analysis on Garmin Connect went above and beyond my expectations. For each workout summary you get your distance, overall time, average pace, elevation gain and calories burned. You also get to see charts of your pace/time, elevation/distance and even a map view that shows your exact route. Click on the Player and see your run unfold right before your eyes. A cursor moves along a map to your route while providing real time data for your distance, time, elevation and speed at any given point on your route. Another very cool aspect of Garmin Connect is that it tracks your records and goals. The included records are the fastest 1 km, 1 mile, 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Marathon and your Longest Run. You can also create your own goals and track your progress in reaching them. I have found these to be very motivating tools.

The Garmin Forerunner 10 is such a valuable running tool; I really wish I would have bought it earlier. Overall I am extremely happy with my purchase and would recommend it to anyone who wants to track data from their run or walk. This watch inspires me to set new PRs and it motivates me run further than before. Get off the treadmill, join me outside and run in the fresh air.

The Garmin Forerunner 10 is available in a variety of colors.