2014 Was a Record Year for Marathon Finishers
If you finished a marathon in 2014, you are not alone! More and more marathon runners are finishing the marathon. According to the Running USA 2014 Marathon Report in 2014 there were "a record number of finishers - 550,637, up from 541,000 in 2013. There were also a record 1,200+ marathon events in 2014." To put this growth in perspective, it's interesting to note that in 1976 only 25000 people finished a marathon and in 1995 there were 293,000 finishers, in 2005 that number was up to 395,000.

Here are some interesting statistics about 2014 marathon finishers:

  • 57% were male

  • 43% were female

  • 48% were 40 and older

  • Average finish times for males: 4:19:27

  • Average finish times for females: 4:44:19

The popularity of marathons is a great thing. Each year there are a variety of races, from classics like the Boston Marathon to fun runs like the Color run, to runs that are a bit more eccentric, like the Run for Your Life Zombie race.

If you are a seasoned marathon veteran or are just trying to finish your first, there are a few things you need to help you succeed. Here is a quick list of items that can you help you cross the finish line: